At What Point Should I Get An Attorney Involved In My Foreclosure Situation?

An attorney house model and gavel on a desk, symbolizing the complexities of foreclosure issues

I would say a good time to get an attorney involved is as soon as you know you’re not going to be able to make your payments. From that point, you’ll have to make decisions regarding what to pay and what not to pay, and those are decisions that we can help with. We’ll never tell you to not pay something if you’re able, but if it comes down to it, then you have to rob Peter to pay Paul. There are good decisions and bad decisions about how to proceed.

A lot of us offer a free consultation, so there is no risk in speaking to an attorney. The worst thing that you could hear from us is that there is nothing you can do. But in almost every case, there is something you can do and there will be things that we can help with. In some cases, we’ll advise you to return in three to four months so that we can see how it’s going, and if it’s not any better, then we can look at your options.

It’s always a good idea to seek expert advice because the law is very complicated, especially in a foreclosure context. The process is long, with many twists and turns, and it can be easy to get caught up in it and think that it’s taking forever. At the end, however, it actually moves very quickly, leaving a lot of people feeling like they’ve missed the boat, so to speak. Maybe they assumed that they were fine and had their house pulled from under them. Unfortunately, Maryland doesn’t give you very good options at that point. In fact, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to get you your home back after the fact. For that reason, it’s very important to seek counsel early—the earlier, the better.

How Can Your Firm Help Me With A Foreclosure Issue? How Successful Have You Been At Handling These Cases For Your Clients?

We started out as a bankruptcy firm, and we ended up expanding to other areas because we wanted to help people fix their problems using all the tools available at our disposal. Rather than just seeing things through a lens of filing a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 (which works for a lot of people), we can employ strategies that involve other tools. Some people can’t or won’t file bankruptcy. They want other options. For others, a bankruptcy would be best, and if they want to file, we can employ other tools to secure an even better outcome.

Ultimately, our goal in every situation is to get our clients the best possible deal and help them save face. We are very honest with them if we think they’re in a situation where there’s a very low chance they’ll receive a loan modification. If our client still wants to go forward with it, then that’s fine, but we’ll also give them the bankruptcy option. Similarly, if we don’t think that they can file a bankruptcy to accomplish their goals or if there is some better way to handle things, then we’ll recommend that.

I think a lot of bankruptcy attorneys, foreclosure defense attorneys, and loss mitigation folks don’t do all of the above because they can’t or won’t see how all of these components interact and when to employ the different tools. At my firm, we really focus on helping homeowners, primarily, so we have become experts at all of these different things that have helped our clients in the past and can continue to be useful to our clients going forward. We are very honest with our clients about what they can and can’t do, and we never give them unrealistic expectations about where they are going to go. At the same time, we fight very hard for our clients. We understand that a home can be important or even sentimental to people, so we’ll do anything in our power to help people keep that home. If, on the other hand, their goal is not to keep the home, then we’ll help them save face by getting rid of as much of that deficiency judgment as possible, as well as any ongoing payments that they may have associated with the property.

We do also help people with situations that don’t involve properties. If bankruptcy and debt settlements aren’t the answer, then again, we’ll be very honest with people. If it makes sense to send the potential client to a credit counselor, a debt consolidation company, or something similar, then that’s what we’ll do since we don’t currently provide those services. Overall, we really look out for the clients, no matter what that means. We want everyone to be happy, to recommend us to their friends and families and colleagues. Our reputation is everything.

For more information on Hiring a Foreclosure Defense Attorney in MD, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (443) 492-9003 today.

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